2019.07.17 02:21 GMT+8

Somalia creates award in memory of murdered journalist

Updated 2019.07.17 02:21 GMT+8

The ministry of foreign affairs in Somalia has created an award (The Hodan-Nalaye Award) in honor of journalist Hodan Naleye, who was killed during a terrorist attack in Somalia’s port city of Kismayo on Friday.

On his Twitter handle the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, H.E. Ambassador Ahmed Isse Awad said “Every year we will recognize an outstanding individual who made a positive contribution from the Somali Diaspora.”

Naleye, together with her husband Farid Juma Suleiman, were among the 26 people killed when gunmen made their way to the Asasey Hotel, where regional politicians and clan elders were discussing a forthcoming regional election.

The late journalist was born in Somalia but grew up in Canada after her parents moved there with her 11 siblings when she was aged only six.

She returned to Somalia in 2018.

Naleye, a mother of two young boys, was the founder of Integration TV,  an independent online outlet with millions of views on YouTube.

The channel focuses on social issues and uplifting stories from the Somali communities.

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