Wild Wonderland: Intense animal interaction expected

From the Maasai Mara in Kenya to the Serengeti in Tanzania and further south to the Kruger Park in South Africa, CGTN Wild Wonderland promises to keep you glued to your seat showcasing the best of wildlife that the African continent has to offer.

Get a chance to witness first hand the spectacle that is the ‘Wildebeest Migration’ known as one of “Seven New Wonders of the World”.

Imagine that every year without fail, over two million animals migrate from the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to the greener pastures of the Maasai Mara in Kenya, from July through October. This year, don’t be left behind and witness one of the greatest existing events in Africa through our one of a kind series.

That’s not all, the ‘safari’ vehicle will take you down to Kruger Park in South Africa where senior guide Stefan Winterboer promises viewers a chance to see unique animals which are usually hard to find during other seasons of the year. Which animals might those be?

Find out by tuning in to the Wild Wonderland series, daily at 0500 GMT and 1400 GMT between 22-28 July for a scintillating LIVE show, on the following platforms: 

Facebook: CGTN, CGTN Africa 

Twitter: @CGTNOfficial, @cgtnafrica 
YouTube: CGTN, CGTN Africa 

Sina Weibo: CGTN
