China will provide Egypt with the thermal detectors and the updated version of the technical documents illustrating the precautionary measures taken against the epidemic.
China will provide Egypt with 1,000 thermal detectors to help in fighting the spread of COVID-19 in the North African country, Health and Population Minister Hala Zayed said.
Zayed is in Beijing for a fact-finding mission sanctioned by President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, which also shows Cairo's support to China in the fights against the virus.
Not only will China offer Egypt the thermal detectors but it will also provide health authorities in the country with the updated version of the technical documents illustrating the precautionary measures taken against the epidemic.
Zayed noted that both will be crucial in containing the spread of the virus.
Egypt is one of six African countries that have reported confirmed cases of COVID-19. This North African country has reported two confirmed cases of the virus, both foreign nationals.
Other African countries that have reported confirmed cases of COVID-19 include Algeria, Tunisia, Nigeria, Senegal and Morocco.
Zayed has hailed China's response to the outbreak, saying the country would emerge stronger.
"I saw with my own eyes how to make the toughest challenges and the fiercest battles a real opportunity for more success and strength ... It is the Chinese people," she wrote on Twitter.
Ahead of her visit to China, Zayed had hailed the actions taken by the Chinese government to stop the spread of the virus, saying it has helped limit the numbers.
"Had it not been for the very strong precautionary measures taken by the Chinese government, the situation could've been different worldwide and the outbreak could've been larger." she said.
Source(s): Xinhua News Agency, Ahram Online