2021.05.27 00:07 GMT+8

Two-day meeting on Libya kicks off as December election approaches

Updated 2021.05.27 00:07 GMT+8


A two-day virtual meeting on Libya kicked off on Wednesday aimed at ensuring the North African country holds its presidential and parliamentary elections as scheduled on December 24.

The Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) comes a little more than a year after the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2570, which welcomed the interim Presidency Council and the interim Government of National Unity charged with leading the country up to the crucial vote.

"Elections must be held on 24 December 2021; Institutions should not overstay their mandate. There is widespread support for the holding of elections on December 24 and for freely electing new and unified Libyan institutions," stated the Special Envoy of the U.N. Secretary-General for Libya, Ján Kubiš.

Kubiš reiterated a Security Council warning of possible dire consequences against individuals or entities that obstruct or undermine the successful completion of political transition, confirming that such acts could include obstructing or undermining those elections planned for in the LPDF roadmap.

"We all need to live up to our responsibility before the Libyan people, that request the elections in December 2021," he said.

Libya is recovering from years of conflict that killed tens of thousands and displaced millions. In the period since 2011, the North African state has seen massive destruction and a disruption to normal lives, as warring sides battled for control of the country.

The current peace process is hoped to ensure lasting peace and political stability.

"Once again, all eyes in Libya are on you with great expectation that your meeting will produce what is required to respond to this overwhelming aspiration of the people," Kubiš told the LPDF delegates.

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