Backlash as skin-coloured stamps priced differently in Spain
Spain's postal service has been accused of racism after issuing a set of unequally priced skin-coloured stamps. /AP

Spain's postal service has been accused of racism after issuing a set of unequally priced skin-coloured stamps. /AP

Spain's postal service has been accused of racism after issuing a set of unequally priced skin-coloured stamps. 

State-owned Correos Espana introduced the set of four stamps on the anniversary of George Floyd's death, saying the "Equality Stamps" would "send a message against racial inequality".

The stamps are priced differently, with the lightest colour costing €1.60 (£1.38) and the darkest €0.70 (60p).

Critics said the initiative was racist as it suggests that darker colours are of less value.

Antumi Toasije, a historian who leads the Spanish government's Council for the Elimination of Racial or Ethnic Discrimination, called for the stamps to be scrapped.

"A campaign that outrages those it claims to defend is always a mistake," he wrote on Twitter.

Others on social media also took aim at the campaign, calling it "accidentally racist" and tone deaf.

Sales of the stamps have since been pulled, according to CNN.

The campaign was launched in collaboration with Spain's national SOS Racism Federation and featured a short video with Spanish hip-hop star and activist El Chojin.

"As part of #EuropeanDiversityMonth, and coinciding with the first anniversary of the murder of #GeorgeFloyd, we are launching #EqualityStamps: A series of stamps that aims to shine a light on racial inequality and promote diversity, inclusion and equal rights," Correos tweeted.

Although it was backed by the national SOS Racism Federation, the organisation's Madrid arm was highly critical.

It said any racially aware person would have spotted an issue with the campaign, which it said perpetuates the notion of black inferiority.

Correos Espana has said it will not comment on the controversy.

(With input from agencies)

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