2023.03.23 01:37 GMT+8

World Bank agrees $7 billion, 5-year partnership with Egypt

Updated 2023.03.23 01:37 GMT+8

FILE PIC: World Bank. /Getty Images

The World Bank said on Wednesday it had approved a new $7 billion partnership agreement with Egypt for 2023-2027 with a focus on boosting private sector jobs, provision of better health and education services, and adaptation to climate change.

The Country Partnership Agreement (CPF) will entail $1 billion per year from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and about $2 billion over five years from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a statement from the World Bank said.

Among the goals of the program is to help create a level playing field for the private sector and to encourage investment and improve resilience to shocks through better macroeconomic management, the statement added.

(With input from Reuters)

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