2023.04.06 01:39 GMT+8

UN envoy, Libyan leaders discuss ways to hold elections without further delay

Updated 2023.04.06 01:39 GMT+8

UN envoy in Libya Abdoulaye Bathily on Wednesday said he discussed ways to hold Libya's national elections as soon as possible with the Libyan army commander and parliamentary speaker on Tuesday.

The meeting focused on "how to accelerate efforts towards the holding of elections with no further delay," Bathily, the special representative of the UN Secretary-General for Libya, tweeted.

"We also agreed to spare no effort in promoting hope and reconciliation among Libyans, including leaders of the 5+5 JMC (Joint Military Commission) and commanders of military and security units from all over Libya, as required for peace and stability," he said.

Khalifa Haftar, the commander of the eastern-based army and Aguila Saleh, the speaker of the House of Representatives, stressed their commitment to restoring hope toward lasting peace through inclusive elections and comprehensive national reconciliation, the UN official added.

Libya failed to hold general elections in December 2021 as previously scheduled due to disagreements over election laws among the Libyan parties.

Earlier in January, Libyan Prime Minister Abdul-Hamed Dbeibah said his government is ready to hold general elections in 2023.

Source(s): Xinhua News Agency
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