3 Yemeni gov't soldiers killed in Houthi drone strike
3 Yemeni gov't soldiers killed in Houthi drone strike

At least three Yemeni government soldiers were killed in a drone strike carried out by Houthi militia in Yemen's Marib Province, a government official told Xinhua on Friday.

According to the local government official who requested anonymity, an overnight drone strike conducted by the Houthi group targeted government military installations in the Harib district of Marib, killing three soldiers and critically injuring five others.

"The Houthis targeted our soldiers stationed at Harib sites with an explosive-laden drone late on Thursday night, causing a large explosion," said the official.

The drone attack occurs amid a period of relative calm in the ongoing conflict between government forces and Iran-backed Houthis, which has experienced a notable decrease in hostilities in recent months.

This relative calm coincides with regional and international peace efforts aimed at bringing an end to Yemen's devastating eight-year-long war.

The fight for Yemen's oil-rich Marib province has become a major driving force in the ongoing conflict, as its valuable resources attract various factions vying for control.

Yemen has been embroiled in a civil war after the Houthi militia took control of several northern cities and ousted the Saudi-backed Yemeni government from Sanaa in 2014. The conflict has resulted in a staggering number of casualties and pushed Yemen to the brink of a humanitarian crisis, including widespread famine.

Source(s): Xinhua News Agency

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