2023.05.26 02:15 GMT+8

Qin Gang: China, Africa enter a new era of building a closer community with a shared future

Updated 2023.05.26 08:29 GMT+8

The development of China-Africa relations has been accelerated and the two sides have entered a new era of building a closer community with a shared future guided by the principles of China's Africa policy, sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith over the past decade, said Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang on Thursday.

Qin made the remarks when he attended the Africa Day reception in Beijing.

The Chinese foreign minister congratulated the Organization of African Unity on its 60th anniversary on behalf of the Chinese government, noting that Africa has become an important force with global influence and a rising international status.

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang attends the Africa Day reception in Beijing, China, May 25, 2023. /Chinese Foreign Ministry

Qin stated that China-Africa friendly exchanges have become closer, as leaders from both sides have been visiting each other more frequently, and various exchange activities with different themes have been held between China and African countries.

He emphasized that mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Africa has deepened, bringing more benefits to the people on both sides. 

Qin pointed out that China has been Africa's largest trading partner for 14 consecutive years, and the two sides have jointly built more than 10,000 kilometers of railways and nearly 100,000 kilometers of roads, as well as a large number of airports, ports, bridges, power stations, and other important infrastructure. All of these have played crucial roles in promoting economic and social development and improving people's livelihoods in Africa.

Qin Gang addresses the Africa Day reception in Beijing, China, May 25, 2023. /Chinese Foreign Ministry

Entering a new era of building a closer China-Africa community with a shared future, China and Africa need to strengthen unity and cooperation more than ever, Qin emphasized.

He called on China and Africa to firmly safeguard each other's legitimate rights and interests and further strengthen mutual support on issues concerning sovereignty, development and dignity.

Moreover, China and Africa should actively promote modernization programs with distinctive features. Qin urged both sides to promote synergy among the Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, the African Union's Agenda 2063, and other development strategies of African countries. This collaboration will help accelerate Africa's industrialization, localization, and economic diversification.

Qin stated that China and Africa should jointly promote the reform of the global governance system, safeguard the common interests of developing countries, and continue to consolidate the strength of developing countries.

He added that China and Africa need to jointly implement the Global Security Initiative, de-escalate hotspot issues in Africa and around the world, and address non-traditional security challenges together. Qin called for improving the United Nations' efforts to promote peace and stability in Africa and enhancing Africa's capacity to fight terrorism and maintain stability.

Qin emphasized the need for further strengthening exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations and accelerating the implementation of the Global Civilization Initiative in Africa. 

The reception was attended by Demeke Mekonnen Hassen, Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Christophe Lutundula, Vice Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Read more:

Chinese FM pledges to support Ethiopia's post-conflict reconstruction

They said China has become the most important partner for African integration, and Africa is ready to carry forward the spirit of partnership and jointly build a community with a shared future for Africa and China as well as for mankind.

Africa Day is observed annually on May 25 to celebrate the achievements of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the predecessor of the African Union (AU), from its creation on May 25, 1963.

(With input from Xinhua)

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